“Love suffers long and is kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4)
Having twins in the family surely doubled the opportunities that Mom would have to teach and guide her children. Five-year-old Amanda and Andrew (Mandy and Andy, as they were typically called) were a joy indeed. Mandy, however, was a little rascal at times. Andy was very complacent and easy going. One day the twins were enjoying cupcakes. Andy set half of his cupcake down on the table to go and get a drink of water. By the time he came back to the table, his sister had eaten her cupcake as well as the last half of his. You can imagine the commotion that took place. Mom arrived on the scene of the crime and nearly had to walk out the room to keep from laughing. When asking Mandy if this was a kind thing to do she replied, “Yes! I didn’t want him to get fat, so I ate it for him!” Needless to say, that excuse didn’t work very well. I wonder how many of our actions today will be as a result of “Love suffering long and is kind.” How will this play out in your life?
For today: Regardless of how much stress I sense today, I want my life to radiate the longsuffering and kindness of my Savior. How about you?