Guideline for Countdown to the Wedding Enjoy your engagement. Don’t procrastinate and then feel the pressure of trying to catch up with deadlines. This is a suggested list to help you plan your wedding and to take a little pressure off by helping you plan early! As soon as you are engaged: Begin to […]
Good Questions for Engaged Couples
Your engagement is such a special time in your life. You are beginning a journey. I like to call it “the journey of a lifetime.” Marriage really is a journey that takes a lifetime to complete. No one begins a journey without good preparations. Only quick errands can be completed without much planning (probably sometimes […]
Now That We Are Married
Many couples made the same discovery you are making: not everything is as you thought it would be. The first several times of intimacy probably didn’t go quite the way you imagined. Following the honeymoon, the early days of settling into the routines of work and married life may have been more challenging than you […]
Uncle Mike’s Ten Commandments for Newlyweds
Busy? You thought you knew what “busy” meant when you were in college, juggling a part-time job, deadlines for projects, dating, helping at church with either the music or children’s program and of course still writing to mom once in a while. Compared to your life today, that wasn’t so busy after all. Now you […]
For the Pastor
I served as pastor for over thirty-one years. Though my ministry is now the vice president of Baptist Church Planters, I am a pastor at heart. It is my goal and desire to help you with your ministry, especially in the area of marriage, home and parenting. I am sure that much of your counseling […]