Oh, King David. How your words penetrate our hearts!
“Create in me a clean heart, O God” (Psalm 51:10).
David sinned. He felt horrible. After acknowledging that he indeed had sinned, he confessed this to the Lord and asked God for His mercy (51:1). He really felt like his heart was dirty and that only the Lord could make it clean. When we speak of the “heart,” we of course are not speaking of that muscle within our chest that pumps blood throughout our body. Rather, the heart of which King David wrote is the control center of his being. It is that amazing part of our lives that has thoughts, emotions, and the will. David prayed that God would cleanse his heart. Yes, David sinned, and now he needed God’s cleansing. I am thankful for God’s cleansing (1 John 1:9) in my life. None of us go very long without sinning. Thank the Lord for His faithful cleansing. There’s nothing any better than a clean heart.
Please take this as from an old friend: Don’t let your heart get hard and stay dirty. You’ll be glad when you allow God to cleanse your heart. Everyone around you will be glad as well.