Yesterday I shared a little tongue twister with you about Barnabas and Saul who became Paul. I’d like to stay in the same text for just a moment with you today. Think of these things from Acts 9.
1. Saul of Tarsus hated Christians (9:1).
2. Saul had legal documents with him to arrest any believer and drag that person back to Jerusalem (9:2).
3. As he traveled to Damascus, the Lord apprehended him and totally changed his life from being a Christ-hater to a Christ-lover and follower (9:3-6).
4. One of the most dramatic changes that Saul (or we call him Paul) had was that instantly instead of hating Christians, now he was one and had a love for the family of the Lord. Earlier he wanted to arrest them. Now he wanted to fellowship and be with them (9:26). Barnabas helped to make this possible (9:27).
What a beautiful verse for me to share with you today. “And he was with them coming in and going out at Jerusalem” (Acts 9:28). It would be expected that genuine believers would desire to be with other believers for worship, fellowship, prayer, and enjoyment. This is only Wednesday, but Sunday is coming! I hope that you are looking forward to gathering with other believers!