“The Lord has done great things for us; whereof we are glad” (Psalm 126:1)
Have you taken a few moments lately to think through or write down some of the many great things that the Lord has done for you? Recently I was watching a report about a wealthy businessman giving local police officers a stack of $100 bills to distribute to people of their choosing. Upon pulling a particular motorist over, the police officer walked up to driver’s side window. At first the driver was very agitated that she was being pulled over for no good reason. In fact, the driver was being a little hostile with the police officer. As soon as the person was informed that she was randomly selected to receive a $100 bill, the reaction immediately changed. Sheer joy and gratitude came over the driver. Think of this. When you remember the great things the Lord has done for you, I suspect that you will be happier than the driver receiving the gift of money.
For today: How great the Lord has been to us. We should be very glad.