“Then the Lord said, Doest thou well to be angry?” (Jonah 4:4).
What a situation! Jonah writes about the major situation of his life in four short chapters. In chapter one he is pursued by the Lord. In chapter two he prayed unto the Lord. In chapter three he preached for the Lord. Then in chapter four he pouted to the Lord. He is the only evangelist I have ever heard of who gave a simple message and an entire city responded with repentance. The only problem is that Jonah hated those people of Nineveh. They were the enemies of Israel, and Jonah didn’t want them spared. He confessed that the entire reason he fled was that he knew that the Lord was gracious and merciful. He knew that if the people repented, God would spare them. This made him furious. God simply asked him, “Doest thou well to be angry?” How convicting! While there are right reasons for righteous anger, it must be of very short duration (Ephesians 4:26). It is a great question for each of us when we are angry. Are we doing well by being angry this time?
For today: Are you dealing with any anger situations? If so, are you doing well to be angry?