“I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against Heaven, and before thee. And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him” (Luke 15:18-20).
The last several days we have been following a rebellious twenty-four year old Ron across country as he fled over one thousand miles from his parents’ home. He left in a fit of anger because his Christian parents would not allow him to invite his girlfriend to move into his room. After vowing never to return home and after saying some very terrible things to his parents, Ron left. After several months of heading west, Ron ran out of money, his car broke down on I-25, and just when he came to the end of his rope, a stranger by the name of Mike pulled up behind him. To make a long story short, Mike invested much time with Ron over the next few days as he explained to him that God had a wonderful plan for his life. He introduced Him to Christ and His wonderful salvation. Well, the old car couldn’t be fixed, but Ron’s heart surely could. Now he was onboard the plane taxiing to the runway, ready to take off and fly home, thanks to his parents’ generosity. What would he ever tell them? How could he ever apologize for the things he had said? He was deep in thought when the man seated next to him said, “Hi, my name is Pete. What’s yours?” Ron replied. Pete prodded a little more and asked, “So, is this your home or are you headed home?” Ron replied, “Headed home.” Pete exclaimed, “Well, if you don’t mind me intruding, you surely don’t look too happy about it!” Ron managed to bring himself to a small smile and started to explain a little of the details of the last few months. Ron concluded by saying, “I don’t know what I am going to tell my folks when I see them.” There was quiet for just a few seconds when Pete said, “Let me start my introduction all over. My name is Pastor Pete Kenward. Let me share with you about another young man who was headed home and not sure what to say to his dad.” With that, Pastor Pete turned to Luke 15 and shared with him the account of the Prodigal Son. Fifty-five minutes later, as their plane was coming in on final approach, Ron’s countenance was changed. “I just cannot believe how God has been one step ahead of me the entire time. I know exactly what I need to tell my parents. Thank you, Pastor Kenward.” Check back tomorrow and see what happened to Ron in the airport. It probably is not what you expect. How about you? Do you or someone you know need to come back to the person you have hurt? The Bible shows us the way back again.
For today: I am thankful that God forgives even prodigals!