“And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the Lord was with him” (1 Samuel 18:14).
What an amazing statement. “David behaved himself wisely in all his ways.” As a very young man David behaved in a kingly manner. Unfortunately King Saul was acting very unwisely. In fact, some of his actions were outright sinful. But young David, keeper of the sheep who would one day be the King of all Israel, behaved wisely. Ken and his young son Carly were having a discussion about a course of actions and behavior. Ken and his wife had received a telephone call from the principal of the junior high school earlier that day. Apparently an act of bullying was taking place in the hall, and Carly stepped into the situation and brought it to a halt. The bully backed down when Carly said, “And don’t you think that this will ever take place again.” Immediately a nearby teacher stepped beside Carly and took control of the situation as well as the bully. Ken shared with his son how proud he was of the way he had acted wisely that day. “Sometimes it is easy to turn our head and pretend we don’t see what is happening,” Ken said to his son. “But I am proud of you and thank the Lord that you acted wisely in that situation. Your principal and teacher are very proud of how you stood up for the other student. You acted wisely,” Ken continued. I wonder what situation will occur today that we will have the opportunity to intentionally, deliberately act wisely?
For today: By God’s grace and help may we walk wisely today!