“For I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee…” (Hosea 11:9).
Years ago I underlined this phrase while reading through the Bible. It is a short but powerful reminder of the joy that is ours when we remember that we belong to the true and living God. He is God. He can never fail. He is never wrong. He never misunderstands. He never forgets. He never is unjust. He is far greater than any man. He is God. You know, friends, this blessed truth is great to remember on the good days when things are going well. But it is on those days when things are not going the way that we prefer that this blessed truth packs such strength and help for us. He is awesome because He is God, not a man. How will this play out in your life today?
Here’s a thought for today: Rest in the confidence that the One Who holds you in His hand is none other than God. Trust Him.