Karen was my dear and gracious cheerleader. She was such an encourager. Often she would show me the notes that she wrote as I was preaching. Over ten years ago I preached a message from 2 Timothy 4. Let me share the text and what she wrote in her own Bible study journal.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 3 Number 16, “We’re Runners in the Race” April 15th, 2020
I married an athlete. No wonder when she heard a message that I preached from Hebrews 12, she dug in further into her own study of the text and wrote some observations for herself in her Bible study journal. Her notes are brief but really powerful.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 3 Number 15, “Remembering the Rules of Running!” April 8th, 2020
Though Karen’s notes are often brief, they are also very pointed and powerful. These things really struck her as she desired to run her race.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 3 Number 14, “Now That’s How to Run!” April 1st, 2020
I don’t know about you, but I am glad that the race we are running is not a competition with each other. Wait until you see what Karen wrote about this.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 3 Number 13, “The Night Before He Died and What He Said!” March 25th, 2020
Karen was invited to speak at a ladies’ event following a banquet. The theme of the evening was “Friendship.” She often told me that it was a little bit of a dilemma for her when she was to speak at banquets. She often was so nervous that she didn’t want to eat. However, she didn’t want to offend people by not eating the food. Being the loving husband that I was, I offered to go with her, stay out of sight, eat her food for her, and then drive her home. We both laughed at my “loving offer” as she got in the car and drove off without me!