Coming before the Lord, looking to Him, praying to Him throughout the day, but especially the morning, is good for not only ladies. It is important for men as well.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 2 Number 48 “Thankful for Stillness and Assurance!” November 27th, 2019
I have selected a tiny portion of a paragraph in the notes Karen prepared and taught in a ladies’ seminar. She was teaching on the subject of understanding the joy of being the Lord’s servant. She fully and firmly understood that every believer is the Lord’s servant.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 2 Number 47 “I Wonder What She Was Preparing?” Part Five November 20th, 2019
Often I held it in my hands as I moved it out of the way. It is a small folded piece of yellow scrap paper on which Karen wrote preliminary thoughts for an upcoming event. I don’t know what the event was for which she was studying. She was focusing on Psalm 37 and using a little piece of lined yellow paper to write some very brief thoughts. The response so far has been the greatest since starting the Karen’s Notes series two years ago. I think it is because so many can identify with what she was writing because of what they are going through. I’m glad that I finally opened this little piece of folded paper!
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 2 Number 46 “I Wonder What She Was Preparing?” Part Four November 13th, 2019
As I have mentioned in the last several editions of Karen’s Notes, I don’t know what the event was for which she was studying. She was focusing on Psalm 37 and using a little piece of lined yellow paper to write some very brief thoughts. I’ve shared several of these, and the response has been the greatest since starting the Karen’s Notes series two years ago. I’m glad that I finally opened this little piece of folded paper!
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 2 Number 45 “I Wonder What She Was Preparing?” Part Three November 6th, 2019
In one of her notebooks, I discovered a folded sheet of yellow lined paper. There was lots of “doodling” with a few thoughts and some scratching on it. This was a rough draft of something she was preparing. But I think I’ve discovered enough of her train of thought to share with you today. This really brought back many great memories. Thanks for taking time to read these notes.