Karen not only wanted to serve, she wanted to serve with gladness.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 1 Number 18 “The Believer’s Spiritual Blessings” August 8, 2018
Not long ago I discovered in her Bible a great outline that she penned and had used it in several of her ladies retreats.. It focused her thoughts on the “Believer’s Spiritual Blessings” based on Ephesians 1:4-14.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 1 Number 17 “His Present Help” August 1, 2018
I love how the Psalmist expressed it. He is a “very present help in trouble.”
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 1 Number 16 “The Power of a Word” July 25, 2018
Karen loved working with children and ladies. She often spoke to both groups about the words they spoke and the tone in which they were shared. She knew that the words we speak convey lots of power, both for good or evil.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 1 Number 15 “Ten Things You Will Never Regret” July 18, 2018
Listen, I have never met anyone who has lived so well that he or she doesn’t have a regret or two or more along the way. On the other hand there is such a blessing that comes when we come through a particular experience and look back with no regrets. I found something really interesting in Karen’s Bible study journal. At Proverbs 22:1, she shared a little article “Ten Things You Will Never Regret.” She doesn’t know who wrote this, but it meant a lot to her. I am happy to share it with you today.