Last week you chuckled that Karen’s Notes consisted of just two words. She had underlined Psalm 86:12-13 and wrote: “Never forget.” Well friends, you won’t believe this. As I continued looking through her Bible, I discovered several more verses that she had underlined, and of all things, had written two more words.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 1 Number 13 “Just Two Words!” July 4, 2018
I have been genuinely overwhelmed with joy at the responses I have received from folks who read “Karen’s Notes.” Some folks never met Karen in person but have expressed that her words have ministered to them in unusual ways which make them feel like they’ve known her for years. Many of Karen’s friends have written with smiley faces saying, “I can just hear Karen say that.” Others have written really serious notes and emails and have shared with me how the Karen’s Notes have arrived at just a time that they needed it most.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Selected Notes Volume 1 Number 12 “Fretting Not!” June 27, 2018
In Psalm 37, Karen wrote out an outline for “Fretting Not!” It’s my privilege sharing this from her Bible. Here’s her outline.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady” Volume 1 Number 11 “Looking up With Expectancy” June 21, 2018
“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 1 Number 11 “Looking up with Expectancy” June 21, 2018
Many things attracted me to Karen throughout our years in public school. The greatest of these was certainly her love for the Lord Jesus and her reverence for Him. As we grew in our relationship together, I had the best seat in the house to watch her growing in her walk with Him as well as her worship of Him. From her Bible study notes, I found the following wonderful notes in Karen’s Bible study journal.
“My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto Thee, and will look up” (Psalm 5:3).
Karen wrote: “And will look up” with expectancy! It is important to:
1. Establish a daily time with the Lord.
2. Spend time in His Word.
3. Pray for specific needs of others and self.
4. Listen. Be still before the Lord and praise Him.
Michael’s observation: Karen not only underlined Psalm 5:3 in her Bible, she circled the last four words of the verse, “and will look up” drew a line from the circle to the margin and wrote the word “EXPECTATION.” Sure she had discouragements. There were times that she didn’t understand. But I can testify that she had a consistent expectancy that started early in the morning. One more thing, she was a morning person in every sense of the word. As soon as I opened one eye, she was ready for conversation! As for me, not so much! We laughed often about this.
“Karen’s Notes! Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady!” Volume 1 Number 10 “When Hard Times Come” June 13, 2018
To my delight as I was leafing through Karen’s Bible, I discovered a little outline that I shared years and years ago. She wrote it on the fly leaf of her Bible. It is a little outline that explains what do when hard times come. It will spell out R-E-A-D-E-R.