“…Be not afraid” (Joshua 1:9).
That is the snapshot that I want you take with you today. “Be not afraid.” That’s the quick look.
Here is the portrait I want you to gaze upon in its fulness. Stop. Linger. Think about the entire statement that the Lord gave Joshua, His servant.
“Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest” (Joshua 1:9).
Be not afraid. Think of it. How would this be possible? The answer is found in “The LORD thy God is with you.”
How would you like to be the one to follow Moses after his death as the leader of the children of Israel? Apparently, Joshua was scared to death. Repeatedly the Lord told him not to be afraid. The battles ahead would be significant; the children of Israel would be difficult to lead, and the dangers surrounded them. Yet the Lord assured Joshua that He would be with him. On that basis, God tells him not to be afraid.
For today: What causes you to be afraid today? Think of the snapshot, “Be not afraid.” Then gaze fully at the portrait and hear the Lord speak “I am with you!” It surely helped Joshua, and it surely will help us as well.