I want to be very honest with you. There’s no other way to gently tell you this. I will be right up front with all my readers at this point.
You are reading this “Dr. Mike’s Daily Prescription” on Friday, December 1st. But I am writing this DP on Monday, November 13th and yes, yes, yes, I am listening to Christmas music as I am writing.
I think I can hear two or three applauding me. I am pretty sure I hear hundreds and hundreds moaning and saying, “We knew there was something wrong with this man!” I just can’t help it, friends. While throughout the entire year I daily celebrate the goodness of the Lord and His wonderful gift of salvation, once we come through the Thanksgiving season and hit the first of December, I go into celebration mode. What am I celebrating? Here it is.
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
In one of my preaching Bibles that years ago I retired from public ministry, I discovered that I wrote the following outline by John 3:16. This really describes the true meaning of Christmas.
Tomorrow I’ll share the outline with you.
You must hurry on your way for now. As you go about your day, remember that Christmas is all about the Father’s greatest gift. It is His giving His only begotten Son. I want to keep that focus. How about you?