“And Mary said, behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to Thy word. And the angel departed from her” (Luke 1:38).
Wow! What an amazing reaction. We have no record of some of the questions that must have raced through Mary’s mind. I wonder if she asked herself, “How will I tell Joseph?” Do you suppose she wondered, “How will I explain this to my papa and mother?” I am sure she had many questions as to how she would be accepted in the community, her family, and even with her friends. But there was something even more important than all of these things. Mary accepted God’s assignment and was committed to obeying Him. What a challenge for us today. What a blessing for us to consider how this young teenager immediately responded in faith and acceptance and referred to herself as the handmaid of the Lord. That literally means, “I am the Lord’s servant girl and will gladly do whatever He wishes me to do.” Oh the great blessing that would come upon our churches if every member had this attitude! Throughout this Christmas season and even as we start the New Year may this be said of us. We are His servants and want to do whatever the Master wishes.
For today: Obedience is still the best way to show that we really do love the Lord.