“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9).
Can you imagine what Heaven would be like if entering it depended upon our efforts? I can just imagine the kind of bragging and boasting that would take place. We would be so proud of ourselves and our great accomplishments if the requirement for entrance to Heaven was achievable on our own merits. Can’t you just hear it now?
Some people would brag about their education.
Others would brag about their great accomplishments.
Still others would brag of their brilliance.
Perhaps some would brag of their humility!
Thankfully, the way to Heaven is a gift. It cannot be merited, neither can it be earned. The gift has already been purchased by the Lord Jesus, and He willingly offers it to all to accept by faith today. Those who know the Lord will assemble in His presence with great joy and thanksgiving because of His great gift of salvation. We will sing, praise, and celebrate with adoration unparalleled. But no one will boast of his own works. Every single redeemed saints will be there because of God’s grace and gift.
For today: I am so glad that I know the Lord Jesus as my Savior. Do you know Him? If you aren’t sure, would you take a moment and click the banner “Heaven” on my website.