I love what Asaph did when he was feeling discouraged. He was honest with his feelings. He was accurate in knowing the Lord would be his encouragement. He declares once again that the Lord is the source of his trust and confidence.
“But it is good for me to draw near to God: I have put my trust in the Lord GOD, that I may declare all Thy works” (Psalm 73:28).
Wow! Was Asaph ever discouraged. He was fed up with being perplexed over the issue of the unbeliever living so wickedly and yet everything seeming to go so well with them. He was perplexed at how much trouble he was experiencing and yet how much he was trying to live for the Lord.
It sounds just like an appointment in the counseling center with Pastor Kenward. A couple approaching their late twenties sat across from the later middle-aged pastor as they both wept in his presence. “Our unsaved acquaintances have two or three children by now, Pastor. They live like the world and have no interest in the Lord. They drink. They go to the clubs where it certainly isn’t very righteous living. Yet they easily conceive and will have as many babies as they want.
We’re here this morning because we’re on the way for a sonogram. The doctor thinks we have lost our baby. Why, Pastor? Why do our unsaved acquaintances have it so easy and we have it so hard?” The young husband held his wife close as she sobbed. “All I have ever wanted to be after I asked Jesus to be my Savior was a wife and a mommy. Why can’t I be?” she cried.
Pastor Kenward wept with them, got up from behind his desk, bent his knee and drew both of them to himself. They cried for nearly fifteen minutes in his arms. “Now, let me talk just a little with you. Nothing I can say will take away your hurt and sorrow. But let me share just a little with you dear ones,” he told the couple.
I’ll tell you more about the counseling scene tomorrow.
For right now my friend: Your situation might be similar as relating to children. On the other hand, it could be very different. Here’s what will always be the same. Your need to draw near to the Lord and intentionally place your trust in Him will be just like it was with Asaph. How will this play out in your life today?