I was thinking about this just this afternoon. It is a wonder we ever survived! There are times that I am amazed that you and I ever made it out of childhood. Think of what we did without ever thinking twice about it. Here are a few things I used to do. See if any of these are true of you:
Drank from the dirty garden hose most every day.
Played games in the road where the cars roared along at 55 mph.
Burned leaves on the side of the road and rode our bicycles through the smoke.
Speaking of bicycles, we road with another youngster riding on the handlebars.
Flew down the road in the back of the neighbor’s pickup trucks.
Never used seatbelts – enjoyed climbing over the car seats from the back to the front and back again.
Played in the creek, even the deeper parts.
Walked along the busy railroad tracks and waved to the engineer (depending on who was in the cab, often hearing the air horns whistle twice at us as the train sped by.)
Ate our lunches from a paper bag that sat in a hot locker all morning.
And probably many more things that I can’t think of right now.
I don’t say this glibly. I say this very honestly from the depths of my heart. The Lord has been and continues to be very good to me. He hasn’t spared me of heartache and disappointment. But He’s been so good throughout my lifetime, even during the hard times.
“The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him” (Nahum 1:7).
Throughout the day today, intentionally take a few stops to remember how good the Lord has been and continues to be good to you.