“Have You Ever Wished Your Wife had a Rash?”
A Crazy Question but an Extremely Important Update on Karen
January 5th, 2017
Hi friends.
Thanks for taking the time to check my recent update and post on our situation with Karen. Asking the crazy question about wishing for a rash for your wife may cause you to be wondering about my sanity. Please let me explain.
We are very excited that the cancer that Karen now is battling has undergone a particular mutation. With this particular medical situation a very specialized chemotherapy in the form of a pill has been found at times to be very effective in battling the cancer. One of the interesting things about this medication is that researchers found that in those patients whose treatments have had the most successful outcomes there appears a rash around the face, neck and shoulders. In fact some medical personnel have observed that the greater the rash the better the outcome. You can see where I am going with this, can’t you?
Here is the prayer request. Karen has been on the medication for a month. There is no rash. None.
We are continuing to monitor closely her fluid build-up. This seems to have slowed somewhat, which is very good news. She still has such a cough especially at night. These are difficult days for her. She so much wants to be in church and fellowshipping with the Lord’s people. She so much wants to go to Hunter’s basketball games. She has a dozen things that she would like to be doing. Right now she is very weak and tires easily. All these things are matters that we have entrusted to the Lord. If you would join us in prayer we would appreciate it.
Yesterday I told our Baptist Church Planters missionary family that only I could ask such a prayer request. But here it is anyhow. Would you please pray that my dear sweetheart would get the rash? You probably have never prayed for such a thing. But would you please ask the Lord for this? Many of you are shaking your heads and saying, “Only Mike would ask such a thing. Only Mike!” Thanks again for your prayers. You are loved.