“He’s the Greatest Gift of All!”
(Tune of “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing”)
1. I will praise you, precious Savior, You are worthy of my praise.
You are glorious; You are awesome; You’re the Ancient of all Days!
On my face I bow before You! You are truly Lord of all!
In the manger, midst the danger, You fulfilled God’s holy call.
2. In the swaddling clothes she bound You, promised babe that came to earth.
In the fields the shepherds watching, heard the news of Your dear birth.
On my face I bow before You! I will sing of Your great grace!
Wondrous Savior, You are worthy; I will serve You all my days.
3. So amazing, my redemption, greatest gift You are to me.
By Your sacrifice You saved me; from Your wrath I am set free!
On my face I bow before You! You have fully paid the price!
Some glad day I’ll stand before You, perfect Son and sacrifice.
4. By Your death and resurrection, You are now my risen Lord.
You have taken back Your glory; You are honored and adored.
On my face I bow before You! From my heart I loudly sing!
My Lord Jesus, precious Savior, glorious Lord and coming King.