Immediate Update on Karen Saturday January 2, 2016
Yesterday I asked you to be praying about several things concerning Karen and her appointments next week. On Tuesday she has a very important CT scan followed by labs on Thursday and then an oncology appointment and chemotherapy on Friday. In case you missed the update from yesterday, I asked folks to specifically pray about her insurance identification card.
Let me explain. Even though I have been communicating with our health insurance broker since late summer and even though we went to his office (an hour away) in November and even though we were assured that everything was submitted and fine, apparently things were not submitted in a timely manner. By mid-December we were given identification numbers from the broker’s office. However we still had to pay the premium (which we did as soon as we received the bill.) The check then had to go to the Health Insurance billing address. With the Christmas vacation as well as New Year’s Eve holiday, there simply wasn’t enough time to get our regular health insurance card back for us to take to the CT scan. I spent quite a bit of time explaining things to the imaging center and gave them the numbers from the email. They were very nice and sympathetic. After a number of different conferences taking place, we were told to keep the appointment and they would see what they should do on Tuesday morning.
So I asked you to pray.
Four hundred and forty people came to read the update. I have to believe that many of the 440 people stopped right then and prayed.
There was not enough time humanly for the identification cards to arrive.
They came in the mail today.
It was impossible. But many prayed and the hand of the Lord superintended the flood of checks and new policies that inundated Karen’s health insurance company. You prayed. The Lord did the impossible. Now we wait to see what the Lord is going to do through the scan. We know that He is fully in charge. We want His will. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Impossible? God smiles at that word. Rejoice with us.