“I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King” (Isaiah 43:15).
What a wonderful privilege to belong to the only true and living God! He is just exactly Who He says He is. We can trust Him, and we must obey Him. Mrs. Waters discussed the importance of obeying the Lord with her Sunday school class of first and second graders. Suddenly a little boy with red hair raised his hand. When she called on him, the young boy changed the subject of obeying the Lord suddenly by announcing, “I want to be a pastor when I grow up.” Somewhat taken back by the bold statement, Mrs. Waters asked the young boy, “Why do you want to be a pastor when you grow up?” Without hesitating for a moment he replied, “Because I can tell everyone to sit down and be quiet.”
The rest of the class laughed, and Mrs. Waters fought hard to keep from smiling. She recovered quickly enough to say, “Well, I’m not sure pastors have to say this very often, but we should listen to our pastor. But guess what, class?” Then she lowered her voice and leaned in to them as she said, “But we must always listen to God. He is the LORD our King.” What a great lesson it was for her class that day. What great lessons for us as well.
Think about this with me: Isn’t it wonderful to belong to the Lord? Don’t you wish everyone knew Him?