“Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto Thee” (Psalm 143:8b).
Yesterday we read the first part of Psalm 143:8. Today in the second part of the verse, King David asks the Lord to give him direction for his life. Dick was talking with his friend Larry and said to him, “I want my kid to become a doctor, or a lawyer, or maybe a dentist. Everyone needs these people, and the pay is good. That’s what I want for my kid. What about you, old friend?” Larry smiled and replied, “Well, if the Lord wants my kid to be famous, like a singer or something, that’s what I want. I want my kid to be recognized wherever she goes. Yes sir, that’s what I want.” Think of these two men. They want fame, riches, and popularity for their children. There’s something much better than any of these things. It is the will of God and the direction He provides. That’s what King David asked. That’s what you and I should ask everyday as well. It is impossible to improve upon the will of God.
For today: Please direct us, Lord, as we seek Your will. Fame and riches bring momentary happiness. The will of God brings lasting satisfaction.