Be prepared to come face to face once again with the awesome, incredible fact that our Savior paid the huge price of our sin debt. Think with me of this verse.
“Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree” (1 Peter 2:24).
I’ve changed the names, but let’s listen in on a conversation that is in progress.
“You’re telling me that I can never be good enough to get to Heaven?” Carl growled at his friend Peter. “Why, all my adult life I’ve gone to church, gave a few bucks in the offering plates, and once even helped with the church’s chicken barbeque. I’ve never even killed anyone. And yet you say I will never be good enough?” Carl blasted his friend with a raised voice.
Peter calmly looked his friend in the eye and said, “That’s what I’m telling you, old friend. Why else would the Lord Jesus die on the cross and rise again? Your self-righteous acts in the sight of the holy God are like greasy, oily, filthy rags and will never wash your sins away nor will they pay the price of your sin. But the Lord Jesus bore your sins in His precious body on the cross and rose again. That satisfied the Father’s holy demands.”
Carl was instantly convicted and began to cry. Never before did he realize what the gospel really was all about. But now he did! It was the great moment he came to place his trust in Christ alone for the forgiveness of sin. How about you? Have you trusted in Christ alone for salvation?
Let me send you on your way with one more verse. This is what the Lord Jesus said on the night before He died for our sins. “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me” (John 14:6). That settles it for me. How about you?