I am quite amazed at how many changes I have witnessed in my lifetime. Lots of things have changed. From credit cards to wireless connections to strides in medical care to increased travel to incredible discoveries, it has been amazing what’s taken place before my very eyes. But something else has taken place as well. To be frank, I think most would agree with me when I say that the standards and moral convictions of our society have plummeted into shameful actions that are not only openly practiced, they are celebrated. You and I need to be extremely careful that we don’t get used to sin and comfortable with society’s standards. God’s Word is still the final authority. Listen to what He says will exalt a nation.
“Righteousness exalts a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Proverbs 14:34).
Think of His declaration. This exalts a nation (righteousness). This is what is a reproach (sin).
For today: I thank the Lord for the privilege of being a Christian first and foremost, and then I thank the Lord for allowing me to be an American. Oh, my heart aches to see the broken shipwreck of our culture. Oh, how our friends and fellow citizens need the Lord Jesus.