“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart; be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer” (Psalm 19:14).
The McGuiness family waved good-bye and shouted a thank you once again as they piled into their fifteen-passenger van. They were ready to head home after a wonderful evening with one of their church families. It had been a delightful evening with the Miller’s at their large farm house. Dad quieted the van load of family and passed the flashlight to the oldest child. It would be too late in the evening for meaningful devotions by the time they arrived home. For their family devotions, the McGuiness family was reading from the Psalms. In the darkness, reading by flashlight, Jeremy read from Psalm 19. Dad seized the opportunity to teach his children a little more about their words and their thoughts. A precious prayer time took place in the very dark van as the family traveled on. After prayer it was very quiet, or at least it was until Kathryn said to Josiah, “I’m sorry I called you a dumb head. My words weren’t right because my ‘medication’ was wrong.” After quieting the giggles, Mom helped Kathryn learn the difference between the words “meditation” and “medication.” A couple of hours later when all the children were sound asleep, Jeff whispered to his wife Karen, “Sometimes my words aren’t right. It must be because of my ‘medication’ being wrong!”
For today: How are your words and the meditation of your heart?