“We have heard with our ears, O God, our fathers have told us, what work You did in their days, in the times of old” (Psalm 44:1).
Each generation of believers has a great opportunity and responsibility to share with their children and their grandchildren the wonderful things the Lord has done. “I just thank the Lord,” Joe told his friend at the coffee shop. “My parents loved the Lord, and both of their parents loved the Lord. I come from a wonderful heritage of people who personally asked Christ to be their Savior. I want to be as faithful in telling my children about the Lord and hopefully they will tell their children.” It was an interesting conversation that morning over sweet rolls and coffee. How about you? Do you know the Lord as your Savior? Are you sharing with your children what the Lord has done for you?
For today: I want to fulfill the pattern of Psalm 44:1. How about you?