“When my heart is overwhelmed: lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For thou hast been a shelter for me” (Psalm 61:2-3).
Mary called Sam’s cell phone again. Finally he answered it. “Honey, the National Weather Service has issued a severe thunderstorm warning. Please drive that tractor as quickly as you can back home here,” Mary emphatically said.” Her easy going husband of twenty-two years calmly said, “Now Mary, I am watching the clouds, and they don’t seem too bad. I don’t even see any lightning. Give me a few more minutes and I will.” Suddenly a bolt of lightning and a deafening clap of thunder struck. “I’m on the way home!” shouted Sam and with that he did a U-turn in the field and headed to the barn. Mary had the huge doors open and waiting for her husband to get home and out of the storm. By now the rains were being driven by the wind. None too soon, Sam drove the heavy tractor straight through the open doors. Together they watched the storm. Sam remarked, “Remember a couple of weeks ago in our devotions we read about the Lord being our Shelter? What a great illustration the Lord has given us today.” How about you? Are you sensing that the Lord is your Shelter as well?
For today: I am so happy to be in Christ. He is my Shelter!