“Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love in honor preferring one another” (Romans 12:10).
Ruth taught the four and five year old Sunday school class. In fact, she taught this class for over twenty years. None of the teachers wanted to be honored for their ministry. However, the pastor insisted that the church family wanted to honor them, and he “encouraged” each teacher to be there. It was a beautiful night. Each teacher would be honored this year by someone speaking about their teaching ministry. The pastor started with the adult class first and then worked his way down through the classes of the teachers. It was interesting to hear the testimonials of the children as they spoke of their teachers. When it came to Ruth’s class, to her surprise, Richard, a teenager, came and addressed the bewildered teacher. “Miss Ruth, I wanted to say thank you for teaching me when I was a little kid. I was selfish and a bully,” Richard quietly said. He turned to the audience and continued, “Miss Ruth patiently taught me the lesson of being kind to others and loving them in a way as to put them first. I didn’t do very well with that at first, but I want to thank Miss Ruth for not giving up on me. What a great teacher you are.” With that, an embarrassed but thankful Ruth stood and hugged the teenager as he returned to his seat amidst the applause. The same lesson sounds good for us to learn as well.
For today: How will I demonstrate brotherly love and prefer others before me?