“O LORD our Lord, how excellent is Thy name in all the earth! Who has set thy glory about the heavens” (Psalm 8:1).
I want to make a confession to you. I often write about the glory of God. I absolutely believe in the awesome glory of our great God. But I must confess that I really know very little about the glory of God. I know that the word is howd and that it has to do with the majesty, splendor, and beauty of the Lord. I know that His glory shines and is blinding in its beauty. I know that His glory shook Mt. Sinai. I know that when Peter, James, and John were exposed to a tiny, tiny glimpse of God’s glory, they fell breathlessly upon their faces. I know that someday all believers will see the Lord Jesus in His full glory (John 17:24). In fact, the actual word in John’s reference teaches us that we will gaze upon the glory of the Lord. Wow! What an awesome God to Whom we belong. His glory is higher than the heavens!!
For today: I want to live a life that is worthy of His great Name. He alone is awesome.