“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 1 Number 29 “Are You an Encourager?” October 24, 2018
As I read over Karen’s notes from the many ladies’ seminars and retreats in which she was the speaker, I am grateful for the impact that she had upon so many. I am also grateful that she lived out in her home was she spoke and taught in public. At one of the retreats, she spoke of the importance of being an encourager.
“Serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2).
Karen wrote: Are you an encourager? Do you routinely show appreciation to your pastor, ushers, deacons, musicians, Sunday school teachers and the many other servants? There are less thought of areas of service that we need to appreciate and encourage. These would include nursery workers, kitchen helpers, those who care for the facility, those on the prayer chain, those who have the gift of helps who bake, babysit, iron, clean, run errands and sit with the elderly.
Michael’s observation: So this week, consider how you can show appreciation to those around you who are serving the Lord. A pleasant “Thank you for your ministry. You are a blessing to me” might just be the very thing that someone needs to hear.