“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 1 Number 30 “Another Wonderful Thought about Our Service” October 31, 2018
Last week I shared some of the thoughts from a ladies’ retreat in which Karen was the speaker. She spoke of being an encouragement to those around us. Karen encouraged the ladies to express appreciation to those who faithfully serve and probably aren’t thanked very often. Today, let me share a little more from that same retreat. This was the balance to what she just taught.
“Serve the Lord with gladness” (Psalm 100:2).
Karen wrote: As I serve, I want there to be a sweetness and sensitivity for others. I want my life to count for Christ. Remember, we serve because of His love for us, not for man’s applause. Oh that He would be pleased with our service.
Michael’s observation: What sweet and powerful reminders. Obviously, I am a man and most assuredly was not in attendance at the ladies’ retreat! But these words are good for me. How about you?