“Karen’s Notes!
Insights from a Glory-Bound Lady”
Selected Notes
Volume 2 Number 39 “God’s Incredible Questions!”
September 25th, 2019
Karen was very firm in the conviction that she spoke ONLY to ladies’ groups. I used to affectionately tease her and call her “My preacher lady!” This really got to her quickly and she’d swat me and say, “I’m not a preacher! I only preach at you!” We’d laugh together. She truly was a ladies’ speaker; however, the notes that she wrote to share with the ladies are very good for each of us.
I shared the first two things about her outline over the last several weeks. I am so excited to share with you the last thing she wrote in her outline.
We’ve been thinking about the question that the Lord posed to His people in Isaiah 40:25. He asked, “To whom then will you liken me, or shall I be equal? saith the Holy One.”
Karen wrote: Think of the power question. You already know the answer.
1. Who God Is (Isaiah 40:28).
2. What God Wants To Do (Isaiah 40:29).
3. Where God Wants To Take Me, SOARING! “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
What a blessing to know that spiritually we can run, walk, and soar with the Lord’s help.
Michael’s observation: Regardless of our circumstances, we need to focus on the Lord. Our greatest problems are not too great for Him. He is awesome in every way.