Thanks so much for making Dr. Mike’s Daily Prescriptions a part of your daily routine. It is my joy to come to you 365 days a year. So today I want to break into a very tender situation and conversation. The names are changed, but the situation is real. First, let me share this Scripture verse.
“The Lord is good” (Nahum 1:7a).
“It seems to me that she threw that remark out pretty fast and without much thought,” Ashleigh said to her mom. “It is true that the Lord is good, and I really do believe that He is good all the time. I also know that you are hurting deeply. It would have been nice if she had been a little more caring before she so glibly reminded you that the Lord is good. Then what got me, Mom, is that she didn’t even stop long enough this morning for you to answer.”
What a great lesson for Ashleigh. It is great to remind folks of the goodness of the Lord, but only when we show them that we also are good. Our goodness is communicated by the level of caring that we demonstrate.
I suspect that you will meet many hurting people in the next few days. Please remember this. The Lord indeed is good. May we as His family also demonstrate that we, too, are good by the way we genuinely care about people and the hurts they are experiencing. May we stop, look, and listen to them and share our concern with them.