“But watch in all things” (2 Timothy 4:5).
I am amazed at what very young children can learn and grasp. Today, I will call him Jason. I’d say Jason has learned to listen to his parents and grandparents. I’d say Jason has some very good character-building lessons that he has embraced. I think you would like this boy.
“It’s going to be a big storm, isn’t it, Daddy?” ten-year-old Jason said. “I don’t like the way that sky is a-lookin’ in the southwest!” the little boy shouted.
His dad looked at him and said, “Jason Everett, you sound more and more like your grandpa every day! You’re ten, but you sound like my dad as he watches the skies,” Lucas said as he messed up his young son’s head of hair.
Within ten minutes, the tornado sirens started sounding! Jason was young, but he knew how to watch. This watching gives the idea of “being alert, understanding what is happening and thinking clearly.” Young Jason was pretty good in watching. There are many things for which we must be watchful as well. There are temptations into which we can easily fall. There are people all around us that need to know the Lord Jesus. There are hurts and sorrows being born by people that might appear to be interruptions at first to us. Yes, friends, there are lots of things throughout our days that we need to keep alert about and seeking the Lord’s discernment and guidance.
For today: “Keep your heads and think clearly” is another way of saying “watch in all things.” Oh, how I need this today. How about you?