“The fool has said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works” (Psalm 14:1).
She had a great education. She gave commanding speeches. She was great in arguing her cases, and as a result, many wanted her to be their attorney. She had so much going for her from the world’s point of view. But the Bible says she is a fool because she also was adamant in stating that she didn’t believe God existed. Sad, isn’t it?
She invested a fortune in education, time and energy to climb the ladder of success. And yet a five-year-old or even younger in his or her Sunday school class is wiser because that little boy or girl absolutely believes without question, “In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth.” When we believe Genesis 1:1, we then understand that we are not an evolutionary act of chance. How profound is this!?
I’m thinking a lot about this today: Only a fool says in his or her heart, “No God.” What great opportunities we have today to be a witness for Him.