I used to be a police chaplain. We would be riding along in traffic when suddenly a very serious call would come in that required us to use our emergency overhead flashing lights and the engaging of the squad car siren. It was never our intention to startle people. It was always our intention to get their attention!
That’s just what the Lord intends to do when He says to us, Thus saith the LORD of Hosts: Consider your ways (Haggai 1:7).
How long has it been since you have read in the book of Haggai? Do you know what his name means? It actually means “My Feast or festive.” He was the first prophetic voice to cry out to the people after the return from the Babylonian exile. His passion was for the people to complete the rebuilding of the Temple. Fifteen years had lapsed and still no temple.
Ringing true to the purpose of the LORD of Hosts, Haggai fearlessly and with great passion called on the people to “Consider your ways.” For them, it was to get with it and rebuild the temple. They listened and took Haggai’s preaching to heart. I wonder if there are any of “our ways” that we should be considering?
Here is an important closing question for all of us: Are there areas of procrastination in our lives that Haggai would proclaim, “Consider your ways” or “Get with it, folks!”?