Sometimes I come up with strange questions that strike my curiosity. How about you? Here’s just such a question. With the millions and millions of cars that are advertised, bought, sold or swapped, did you ever wonder who made and sold the first car in America and who in our country bought it? My dad worked for General Motors all his life. My father-in-law supervised the collision shop of a busy Chevrolet dealership. I drive a Chevy Equinox. But Chevrolet was not the first car sold and neither was Ford.
The first car in America was purchased on April 1, 1898. It was built by Alexander Winton and sold to Robert Allison who was 71 and lived in Port Carbon, Pennsylvania. According to the Valley Report, “The brochure that came with the vehicles from Winton Motor Carriage Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, stated, ‘This particular carriage has fully demonstrated its practicability and success in actual service over all kinds and conditions of roads- uphill and down- through mud, sand and snow at a speed of from 3 to 20 per hour.” It sold for $1,000.
Oh, how things have changed!
I’m so glad that some things have never and will never change! “So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
You can trust God’s Word. It is dependable. It is inspired. It is powerful. It is life-changing. It is just what you and I need daily. Aren’t you thankful for the Scriptures?