“Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13).
The Lord Jesus is speaking to a great number of people from the grassy slopes north of the Sea of Galilee. It is one of my favorite places in all of Israel. (Come to think of it, there are about fifty places that are my favorites!) However, this is a grand and beautiful place. Here the Lord Jesus preaches His great Sermon on the Mount message recorded in Matthew 5-7. The subject of salt was an illustration that all the people could easily understand. Salt is so important. It not only flavors our food, it was part of the Old Testament Levitical sacrifice system (Leviticus 2:13); it served as a covenant, pledging friendship or confirming an agreement (Numbers 18:19); it served as an antiseptic in which newborn babies were bathed (Ezekiel 16:4). As believers in this sinful world, we are to function as salt. We flavor, preserve, and have an importance that we often overlook. Wherever you go today, be salty!
For Today: Wherever you go today, there will be people who need a little spiritual salt!