This is wonderful.
This is glorious beyond description.
This is, well, let’s put it this way, this is awesome!
“Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said…Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell Me, if you have understanding” (Job 38:1, 4).
The LORD had patiently waited for Job and his friends to finish their profoundly limited discussion as to why Job was suffering so intensely. Then it came! God’s voice thundered. He did not answer any of the questions that Job surely wanted answered. Rather, He asked questions to help Job come to the point in his life where he intentionally placed His trust and confidence in the LORD Who is in control and works in ways that are awesome.
I once met a person who told me, “Someday when I get to Heaven, I am going to demand that God answers my questions. He has a lot of explaining to do.” I cringed at such an irreverent and unholy statement. I truly believe that God owes no explanation for the way He works. I do rejoice that someday all my question marks will be instantly stretched out into exclamation points but not because I demand an explanation. It will be because I will have a new understanding because there are big changes ahead for His children. Everything will gloriously make sense on that great day.
For today: Trust the Lord. Read a few of the many questions God asked Job as found in Job 38-40. The questions remind us of Who He is and who we are!