In a little red cottage on the Saint Lawrence Seaway, three families with children would camp together for a week each summer. It was the highlight of the entire year. Early morning devotions, lots of fresh baked cookies every day and close living quarters created rich memories for these families. I know this to be true. My family was one of them!
With deafening shouts the children would coming running and announce, “Ship! Ship! Another ship is coming!” Huge ocean-going vessels powered by massive diesel engines would pass so close to the shore, the windows in the little red cottage would rattle. At least once during the week, two massive ships would meet near our little riverside house. What a breath-taking experience to watch the ships slowly approach, and to hear the deafening air horns sounding out the “Captain’s salute.” Coming incredibly close but never touching or connecting, the captains would pilot their ships past each other to continue on their separate voyages.
Approaching, recognizing each other with a “Captain’s salute” of the horn and passing along without connecting is great for ships. However, it is not great for marriages! Why is it, some marriages seem to grow closer and thrive as time passes and others are more like those two ships that pass in the night and sail apart on separate voyages?
Be convinced, it is the plan of the Lord to build marriages that are characterized by closeness and connection. There is no greater blessing than as a couple, to become one and to continue to develop closeness in their relationship. Over the next few days, let’s think of several key things that tend to push couples apart in the marriage. Often these things are not the big catastrophic disasters such as adultery. They are the little thoughtless things that given time will build a wedge between the husband and wife and ultimately push them apart.
Why not invite your friends to join the Marriage gathering.