“He calls His own sheep by name, and leadeth them out” (John 10:3).
Life circumstances change quickly sometimes. A couple of months ago my dear wife Karen started to develop a nagging little cough once in a while. After just a couple of days I was glad that she got in to see our PCP to have it checked. She went fully expecting it to be the beginning stage of bronchitis. Our doctor also thought it was bronchitis. Just to be on the safe side, he did a chest ex-ray and to everyone’s shock, as you know, he discovered a cancerous mass. We never expected this. Karen has never smoked a cigarette once in her life, nor has she been around secondhand smoke. In times like this we are so thankful to picture ourselves as being His sheep. He calls His sheep by name and leads them out. When life is simple and routine, as well as when life is hard and everything is thrown upside down, remember that He calls you by name and will be your Shepherd leader.
For today: The old hymn puts it so beautifully—“He leadeth me! He leadeth me!”