“At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow…And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:11-12).
What a grand and glorious day awaits the believer! The redeemed from every tribe, tongue, and nation will stand before the Lord Jesus and will immediately bend their knees in worship and celebration. For the believer, it will be a day of joy and gladness. For unbelievers who will 1,000 years later bend their knees, it will be a day of terror and remorse as they are removed from His presence and cast into the Lake of Fire. How wonderful it is to belong to the Lord Jesus! I am so glad for that wonderful day when I asked the Lord to come into my life to be my own personal Savior. How about you? Have you made that decision?
For today: Let’s worship our wonderful Lord throughout today. He truly is worthy!