“Give us day by day our daily bread” (Luke 11:3).
What a grand and glorious portion of the Word of God! We have broken into the middle of Christ’s teaching his disciples the pattern of what their prayers should be. Sometimes this is called the Lord’s Prayer. I see this more as the Disciples’ Prayer as Jesus teaches His followers how to pray. The Lord would never have to pray “forgive us our sins.” He is sinless. But his disciples surely aren’t. Back to our text for today, “Give us day by day our daily bread.” Here the Lord Jesus wants to grip believers’ hearts with the glorious truth that He can provide our needs. His resources are limitless. We come as little children, fully trusting our loving Father. This does not give license to be lazy. However, it does give us the promise that God knows our needs and will meet those needs as we trust, ask, and thank Him.
For today: Whatever your daily bread might be today, go ahead and ask. God has plenty. But He looks forward to hearing from you.