A personal note from Dr. Mike to start our October! Thank you for the wonderful response to the promises I shared with you in September. Let’s start October with seven days of promises.
Day One – Promise One for October – The promise of His answer.
I have two younger sisters. As I recall and as I have been reminded from time to time, I used to pick on my sisters as we were growing up. I know that you find that hard to believe, but it is true. There were times that my sisters were telling me something or asking me a particular question and I teased them by pretending that I didn’t hear them. Louder and louder they would speak into my ears and I totally had them convinced that they were invisible and I didn’t hear them!
God is never like that. He promises to hear and answer.
“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and might things with thou knowest not” (Jeremiah 33:3). His answer may be yes, no or yes, but just not yet. But the promise is that He hears and will answer. If there is no unconfessed sin that hinders (Psalm 66:18), you can rest assured that the answer is on the way.
For today: God is not a mail order clerk in a Heavenly Amazon just waiting to fill your daily orders. However, rest assured He has promised to answer. He’s our Father, and He knows just what is best for us.