“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves” (Philippians 2:3).
Bob became the foreman of a work crew in a large electrical firm. He was specifically assigned to this crew because they had great potential. The problem was that they were not functioning very well. There was not a good team spirit. Everyone looked out for himself first and foremost. Most of the team members could care less about each other. That began to change when Bob became the foreman. He spoke to them from his heart as he called his crew together and said, “Men, we are missing our potential. From now on, instead of a group of fifteen men, we’re going to become a team of one. I want you to view yourself as important because we deal with danger all the time. But I also want you to view every single other man as more important to yourself, and I want you to hold them in highest regard. I know this will not happen overnight. But this is what I expect of our team.” There was silence in the meeting for a long time. In fact no one spoke that day when the meeting concluded. But over the next several days and weeks, the entire climate began to change with that work crew. The men eventually experienced the joy of esteeming the others better than themselves. What a great work crew that eventually became! How about you? How does this apply to your life?
For today: I want the words of Philippians 2:3 to be lived out in my life. I will need the Lord’s help to do this. How about you?