“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they might be saved” (Romans 10:1).
I loved taking groups over to Israel. On one hand there is just something so wonderful about the land, the places, the people, and the blessings of being in the land that the Lord has chosen. On the other hand, there is the burden of seeing precious Jewish people that truly need the Lord. While I want people of every ethnicity to hear the gospel, I concur with the Apostle Paul and his heart’s desire. Here’s the thought I have today as I prepare this Daily Prescription. You and I no doubt need to invest more time in prayer for the lost. Especially do we need to be investing time in prayer for the Jewish people. God surely isn’t finished with them yet!
For today: Israel exists today in a dreadfully dangerous place. We need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of her people.