“Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Consider your ways” (Haggai 1:7).
Haggai’s name means “My feast.” He was the first to prophesy after the Babylonian exile. His passion was completing the Temple. Construction began much earlier but was delayed for at least fifteen years. Can’t you hear his pleading as he writes, “Consider your ways!” Every once in a while it is a wise thing to take spiritual inventory of our lives. I am not saying that we sit around brooding over our past mistakes, failures, and sins. What I am saying is that from time to time we should honestly ask ourselves the question, “Am I doing what the Lord wants me to be doing? Am I living the way the Lord wants me to live? Am I becoming the mature Christian that the Lord wants me to become?” I am asking myself that very same question today. How about you?
For today: I want to live wisely in all my ways. I want to obey and acknowledge Him. How about you?