“But that ye may know that the Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins (Mark 2:10).
What awesome power the Lord Jesus possesses! He has the power or authority to forgive sins. I could stand on the street corner and order passing motorists to pull over and stop. Everyone would laugh at me and probably no one would pull over. Why? The answer is easy. I do not have the authority. My neighbor is a police officer. When he puts on his badge and gets into his uniform, he has the authority to order passing motorists to pull over and stop. It is all in the authority vested in him. Likewise, the Lord Jesus possesses all authority, even the authority to forgive sins. What a blessing it is for us to come to Him and to be forgiven. Do you think you are too bad? Don’t worry; His authority is too big not to be able to handle your sins! You can come to Him just as you are.
For today: Forgiven! Could there ever be a sweeter word to those who come?