“Blessed are they whose iniquities are forgiven, and whose sins are covered” (Romans 4:7).
I was a very young pastor sitting at the desk in my office working on the message that I would be preaching that coming Sunday. I found it amazing how quickly my week would always fly by. Before I knew it, Sunday would be here once again. I loved preaching and found the study of preparing sermons to be deeply rewarding. One day as I was working on the message, I heard the quiet knocking on the open door of my office. There stood one of my young sons looking very dejected. A soft and somber voice said, “Dad, remember how you told me not to be hitting my baseball around the car? Well, I disobeyed and I hit the ball. Somehow it went behind me and landed on the hood of your car. I am so sorry I disobeyed, Dad. Will you please forgive me?” He asked in genuine repentance. We walked from my office to the driveway where, sure enough, there was a pretty good dent in the middle of the hood of my car. My son had already confessed and asked to be forgiven. I thought to myself, “After all that the Lord has forgiven me how can I help but forgive him?” The word “forgive” means to send away and to clear the indebtedness. Is there someone you need to forgive today?
For today: There is great joy in forgiving and being forgiven. By the way, yes, this really happened. For those who know my family, no, it wasn’t Jeremy!